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How has the plan been put together?

With the support of Ringwood Town Council, four task teams have been created, each focusing on a key aspect of the plan and how it can work for the local community. These are:

Town Centre 
Setting out a vision for the town centre as to how it should be developed and what uses would be acceptable. This involves looking at how the Market Place and High Street can become more vibrant and identifying eight Opportunity Areas for future improvement.

Design and Heritage 
Influencing the design of new homes and public open spaces to ensure quality development is a key aim of the plan. We have included a new design code, an assessment tool to be used as a consistent way of evaluating applications for major developments.

Delivering impactful climate change actions, raising the standard of design of development and green infrastructure to improve environmental outcomes. 

Looking at how to maximise the opportunities for young people to acquire their first home

What are the next steps for the Neighbourhood Plan?

Our Neighbourhood Plan will be subject to a referendum on 4th July 2024.

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